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Previously, I was a research scientist at Biology Centre ASCR, Institute of Parasitology, Czech Republic. Moreover, I was Postdoc. Follow CNR - Institute of Biosciences and BioResources U.O.S. di Palermo, Italy and before this position I worked inside the EU Project CATTLECONIKTA, Marie Curie Call (FWPVII) and through this project, I work with two Spanish research groups: The first one Improvement and Conservation of the Domestic Animal Genetic Resources research group (PAI-AGR-218) in University of Córdoba (UCO), Spain. The second one The Animal Genetics
Department of Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG), University of Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona, Spain.
During all these positions i performed the wet lab. routine work also i did all the data analysis because i have a strong experience in the NGS data analysis “whole-genome, transcriptome, RNA-Seq and microRNAs etc.....” and big data
analysis coming from most of Next Generation Sequence (NGS) platforms, oxford nanopore sequencers and hybrid analysis between the two technologies using my strong bioinformatic background. Moreover, i have strong experience in the shell script, Python and R programming,




High throughput sequencing


non-coding RNAs


Molecular Evolution



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